
Most Residents See the State’s Economy as Improving, But View Health Care and Housing Costs as Getting Worse

Colorado voters most often cite education, 医疗保健和住房成本是该州州长候选人在11月选举前讨论的首要问题, 找到一个新的 Kaiser Family Foundation/Colorado Health Foundation (KFF/CHF) poll.

这项对1800多名居民进行的民意调查揭示了科罗拉多州人对2018年中期选举前一系列问题的看法,并突出了关键人口群体在健康和生活质量方面的差异, including geography, 收入, race/ethnicity and partisan identification.

选民, about one in five cite each of education (21%), health care (21%), and housing costs (18%) as a top issue in the gubernatorial race. 更少的 voters cite economy and jobs (14%), immigration (13%), gun policy (11%), 犯罪(9%), taxes and tax reform (9%), and hunger (8%) as top issues.

The poll shows a partisan divide over the importance of health care, as seen nationally in other KFF polls. Republicans are least likely to say health care is the most important issue (12%), ranking the issue tied with education as fourth behind immigration, the economy and jobs, and housing costs. A third of Colorado Democratic voters (33%) say health care is the most important issue, making it their top issue, 近五分之一的无党派人士(18%)将医疗保健列为他们最重要的问题, ranking second just behind education.

当那些认为医疗保健是一个重要问题的选民被问及他们希望候选人具体讨论什么问题时, 十分之四的科罗拉多州选民(41%)提到了医疗保健费用——至少是其他任何医疗保健问题的四倍.

KFF Poll - Top issues for Democratic voters include health care, education; Republicans, immigration and the economy

“For Colorado voters, 经济适用房、教育和医疗保健都是州长竞选的首要议题,” KFF President and CEO Drew Altman said. “其中一个教训是,州选举中的主要问题往往与全国民意调查中的问题截然不同, though health care emerges among the top tier in both.”

民意调查显示,科罗拉多州的民主党人比其他州的民主党人更有动力在11月的国会选举中投票. 近一半(49%)的人表示,他们对今年的国会选举投票“更有热情”, compared to about three in 10 Republicans (29%) and independents (31%).

对于科罗拉多州的许多选民来说,特朗普总统可能会在选举中发挥重要作用. 更多的选民表示,候选人对特朗普总统的支持或反对是他们在国会投票中最重要的因素(29%),而对候选人的性格和经验持同样看法的选民(23%)则更多。, local or state issues (24%), or specific national issues (19%).

Coloradans See Housing Costs, Substance Abuse and Health Care Costs Getting Worse

Overall Coloradans are optimistic about the state’s economy and job market, with six in 10 (59%) saying the economy is getting better in the state. On the other hand, most Coloradans say that housing costs (80%), health care costs (55%), and 药物滥用 (53%) are getting worse.

KFF Poll - Majority of Coloradans say economy and jobs are getting better, housing and health care costs, 药物滥用, are getting worse in their state

When asked about a series of priorities for state government, residents rank health care costs at the top of the list. 十分之八(80%)的人认为降低人们支付的医疗费用至少是州政府需要解决的“非常重要”的问题.

十分之七的人对让住房更容易负担(69%)和资助心理健康项目(70%)持同样看法。. 更少的, but still a majority, say so about programs to address hunger (62%), 药物滥用治疗和预防(58%)以及帮助儿童进行身体活动的计划(52%).

在科罗拉多州的大多数人口群体中,医疗保健费用是州政府最优先考虑的问题之一. 值得注意的是, 然而, half (52%) of Black residents and one-third (33%) of those with 收入s less than $40,000 name housing costs as their top priority.

Three in 10 Coloradans Worry about Losing Their 首页 Due to Its Cost

一半的科罗拉多人报告说,近年来居民支付房租或抵押贷款变得越来越困难(52%)。. 除了, 近十分之三(28%)的人表示,他们担心自己可能会因为付不起月供而失去房子, including one in eight (12%) who are “very worried.”

These housing worries are worse among residents in the Denver/Boulder area, 哪里有三分之二(65%)的居民说支付房租和抵押贷款成本变得越来越困难, 大约三分之一(35%)的人担心失去房子,因为他们付不起月供.

Most Coloradans Report Being in Excellent or Very Good Health, But There is Significant Variation by Income

调查发现,大多数科罗拉多人说他们的健康(53%)和心理健康(64%)是“优秀”或“非常好”,” with variations by 收入 and race/ethnicity.

例如, fewer than half of those earning less than $40,000人报告说,他们的总体健康状况(38%)或心理健康状况(47%)是“优秀”或“非常好”,” compared to majorities of those with higher 收入s. 与白人相比,黑人和西班牙裔居民认为整体健康状况“非常好”或“非常好”的可能性也较小. There is little variation by region.

"Not every Coloradan feels they and their family can attain a good quality of life, particularly if they are living on lower 收入s or are Black or Hispanic. 这是一种不平等的迹象,对我们国家的整体健康产生了负面影响,” said Colorado Health Foundation President and CEO Karen McNeil- Miller. “Even with an expanding economy, 我们州为所有科罗拉多人提供负担得起的医疗保健和住房的工作仍未完成. 科罗拉多人希望并期待科罗拉多的下一任民选领导人优先解决这些挑战.”

Other key findings include:

  • Local media are Colorado’s most trusted news source. 十分之七(69%)的科罗拉多州人表示,他们至少对当地的新闻机构有一定的信任. 大多数人认为来自家人和朋友(60%)以及国家媒体机构(62%)的消息也是如此。. 更少的人相信他们从Facebook或Twitter等社交媒体上获得的信息(18%).
  • Coloradans split on how well state’s health system works. While most Coloradans (65%) say their families’ current health care needs are being met, 同意(46%)和不同意(45%)的人几乎平分,认为该州的医疗保健系统满足了大多数科罗拉多人的需求.
  • Most Coloradans view access to mental health services as a problem. 总体而言,六成(61%)的人表示,该州大多数需要心理健康服务的人都无法获得服务. 这包括大约一半(49%)的居民,他们认为缺乏获得精神卫生服务的机会是一个“主要问题”.”
  • Costs and coverage pose barriers to mental health and 药物滥用 services. 五分之一的科罗拉多人(20%)表示,他们或其他家庭成员一度认为他们可能需要心理健康或药物滥用服务,但没有得到. 这个群体中的许多人说他们负担不起治疗费用,或者他们的保险不包括这笔费用.

由凯泽家庭基金会的研究人员与十大菠菜靠谱老平台共同设计和分析, Coloradans’ Perspectives on Health, Quality of Life, and Midterm Elections was conducted by landline and cellular telephone August 15 – September 19, 2018 among a random representative sample of 1,803 adults ages 18 and older living in Colorado. 包括设计效应在内的抽样误差幅度为正负3个百分点. For results based on other subgroups, the margin of sampling error may be higher.

Filling the need for trusted information on national health issues, 凯泽家庭基金会(Kaiser Family Foundation)是一家位于加州旧金山的非营利组织.

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