资金 Opportunity:
Supporting Coloradans in 复苏 Through Non-Clinical 项目

与行为健康状况作斗争的个人并不总是可以获得或获得治疗. Even when treatment is available, 对于与药物使用和/或精神健康挑战作斗争的个人来说,这往往是不够的. 在传统的四墙治疗之外提供的额外服务可以提供人们在临床环境中根本无法获得的所需支持. These are what is referred to as “non-clinical supports.“经历精神健康和/或物质使用挑战的个人通常还会经历生活中的其他困难,比如维持工作和寻找负担得起的住房. These hardships can make it difficult for an individual to focus on their recovery. Applicants may request a grant of up to $150,000 over two years.

这一供资机会将支持有精神健康和/或药物使用方面挑战的个人在接近家庭的地方获得符合文化要求的非临床支助服务,从而使康复成为可能. Through this funding opportunity, 基金会对加强非临床康复支持项目感兴趣,这些项目的重点是 药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局(SAMHSA)康复模型的社区和目的维度.

Proposed programs and/or projects must reflect the Foundation’s cornerstones. These outline who we serve, how our work is informed and our intent to create health equity.

有问题? 我们在这里讨论你的想法,并鼓励你在申请资金之前与我们十大菠菜靠谱平台使用这个工具 to connect with a program officer based on your area of interest or geographic area. Still have questions? 十大菠菜靠谱平台 email or by phone at 303-953-3600.

Si necesita acceder la solicitud de fondos en español, por favor contáctenos a (email保护)


To be considered for funding, organizations must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • 与基金会的基石保持一致,推进为所有科罗拉多人提供健康服务的努力:
    • 为权力、特权和收入较低的科罗拉多人服务,优先考虑有色人种
    • Create health equity
    • Informed by community and those served
  • Are either a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or government organization, or partnering with a nonprofit fiscal sponsor 
  • Serve Coloradans aged 18 and over
  • 提供符合文化和语言的编程(参见下面的定义一节)
  • 有意识地认识和融合不同人群的观点和生活经验, including people of color
  • 为有精神健康和/或药物使用问题的服务对象提供康复服务和支持的明确需求
  • 提供符合SAMHSA宗旨和/或社区康复维度的非临床项目;
    • 目的 – Conducting meaningful daily activities such as employment, 教育, volunteering along with having the independence, income and resources to participate in society.
    • 社区 – Having relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope.
  • Run by organizations that are peer-led or peer-driven
  • Led by or provided by peers such as a peer support specialist, 同行导航器, peer coach or recovery coach
  • Proposed by organizations who already have experience providing recovery services
  • 通过了解创伤的方案,响应康复中的人们及其家庭的需求
  • Providing support and resources for the mental wellness of peers and staff

例子 of organizations considered for funding:

  • 社区-based, grassroots organizations focused on recovery
  • Organizations supporting justice-involved individuals that provide recovery services
  • 复苏 advocacy organizations
  • 复苏 community organizations (RCOs)
  • 社区 mental health centers
  • Affordable housing organizations that provide recovery services
  • 互助组织
  • Nonprofit substance use treatment providers
  • Vocational rehabilitation agencies
  • Independent living centers
  • Post-secondary institutions (colleges and universities)

例子 of programs/projects we’re interested in funding:

  • 通过在文化和语言上对恢复作出反应的方法,支持恢复中的科罗拉多人与文化遗产和历史十大菠菜靠谱平台起来.g., Indigenous talking circles or sweat lodges)
  • Helping Coloradans in recovery find and retain meaningful employment
  • 为恢复中的科罗拉多人提供或十大菠菜靠谱平台教育追求,这将有助于改善他们的就业和收入前景
  • 为康复者提供参与社区活动的机会,例如志愿服务
  • 支持创造性的努力,如将艺术或健康纳入恢复计划
  • Building community through peer social or support networks


Culturally and linguistically responsive: Programming responds to the cultural dynamics and language needs of those in recovery (i.e., programmatic components are designed or adapted to meet the needs of their context, the language spoken and the population served). 同伴和员工反映了参与者的文化背景,并带来了生活和学习经验,以了解需求, 身份, language and culture of participants. The organization has a history with and is trusted by participants, who are engaged in informing, guiding and/or helping implement the work. 例子包括:

  • Services are offered in languages that reflect those of participants
  • Participants of color inform programming and may share in decision-making
  • 除了语言之外,编程还要考虑到文化的细微差别和差异
  • Cultural and racial identity, including intersections with other 身份 (e.g., gender, sexual, etc.), are recognized and viewed as assets

Multi-generational approach: This includes the person in recovery as well as their children, 父母亲, 祖父母(s)和/或任何其他照顾者或家庭成员是他们康复旅程的一部分.

互助组织这些组织提供非临床和非专业的帮助,以实现从物质使用挑战中长期恢复. The most well-known is the 12-step group.

同伴支持SAMHSA将同伴支持服务定义为由与他们所服务的人有共同生活经历的个人提供的服务. The peers can be called peer specialist, 同伴支持, 同行导航器, wellness advocate or recovery specialist.

复苏SAMHSA将康复定义为“一个改变的过程,通过这个过程,个人改善了他们的健康和幸福。, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.“该基金会专注于康复,因为它与心理健康和/或药物使用挑战有关.

复苏 社区 Organization (RCO): SAMHSA defines RCOs as independent, 由当地社区代表领导和管理的非营利组织.

耻辱SAMHSA将污名定义为耻辱或臭名昭著的标志,一个人的声誉上的污点或责备. Substance use challenges carry a high burden of stigma; fear of judgment means that people with substance use challenges are less likely to seek help and more likely to drop out of treatment programs in which they do enroll.

We often partner with third-party evaluators, 承包商和其他组织在我们与申请人和受资助者的工作过程中. 在审查过程和拨款周期中,您的申请及其附件可能会与这些个人或实体共享. 所有与基金会合作的第三方组织都签署了保密协议,不会将这些信息用于资助申请或资助奖励特定工作范围之外的目的. If you have any concerns or would like additional information, please email (email保护) or call our senior director of Grantmaking Operations at 303-953-3600.

We encourage all applicants to 报名 在我们的赠款门户网站确认注册至少提前一周提交赠款申请完成. Applications submitted in advance of deadlines (Feb. 6月15日和10月15日. 15) are not reviewed until the deadline has passed.



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